The Center Offers Professional Help to Adults, Adolescents, Children, Families, And Couples

For everyone, there is an array of emotional issues that can create difficulties that interfere with living comfortably and normally. Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), The Center for Behavior Therapy helps people find lasting relief and create or return to a meaningful, happy and fulfilling life. Also, in many cases, CBT is known for being able to help within a relatively shorter period of time than other types of therapies. Click on any of the services below, and see what we can help you with:

Anxiety Disorders

 Anxiety can be experienced in any of the following ways:

  • Tense Muscles, Shakiness, Tremor, Nervousness
  • Tight Chest, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
  • Heart Racing or Pounding, Redness in Face
  • Numbness or Tingling in Hands and Feet
  • Dry Mouth/ Tightness or Lump in Throat. Difficulty Swallowing
  • Light Headedness, Dizziness, Unsteadiness
  • Clammy, Sweaty Palms
  • Racing Thoughts, Uneasiness, Feeling Strange
  • Nausea, Gastrointestinal Difficulties
  • Sleep Problems, Anger
  • Blurred Vision, Unsteadiness

These anxiety symptoms can result from any of several disorders:

  • General Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This is known as the “worry disease”. This is where you repeatedly engage in self-defeating thoughts about things like; failure, rejection, misfortune, worthlessness, incompetence, incapability, lack of resilience, and other problems that are largely unrealistic, even though they don’t seem so at the time. The resulting anxiety can be quite uncomfortable, and even make it difficult for you to concentrate, sleep, or function effectively. CBT uses techniques like Cognitive Restructuring and Targeted Muscle Relaxation that can help you stop worrying and allow you to live a happy life.
  • Fears and Phobias: You experience anxiety about particular situations or objects, such that you experience severe discomfort when around these circumstances, or avoid them completely. These can be any number of things like: Swallowing pills, high places, flying, elevators, school, swimming, insects, open spaces, being alone or separated, etc. We can teach you specific techniques that will help you relax, stop being afraid, and stop avoiding.
  • Social Anxiety: This is where you feel overwhelming anxiety because of the fear of being scrutinized and judged negatively by others. You don’t know what to say, you may say it wrong, you think you’re not interesting, everyone is looking at you and scrutinizing you. You avoid doing things, or even going out in public. You are shy and afraid of embarrassment, ridicule and rejection. It’s difficult to make acquaintances and friends. Your anxiety makes you behave and speak in a funny way. STOP. There’s nothing wrong with you. With CBT, there are a myriad of techniques you can learn to fix this and take control. You can eliminate the feeling of embarrassment and never worry about scrutiny. You can learn how to relax and not to be socially anxious in any situation. You can learn resilience and no longer be afraid. Really.
  • Panic Disorder: All of a sudden, you feel like you are in severe danger. You become extremely nervous because you are convinced that the particular sensations of anxiety (light-headedness, blurred vision, heart racing, shortness of breath, etc.) mean that you are going to have a stroke or heart attack, choke, faint, lose your mind, act bizarre, suffocate, lose control, vomit, or even have a panic attack. This can be paralyzing. It is also very treatable with CBT and exposure training. Panic will be a thing of the past.
  • Health Anxiety: This is where you detect a sensation of pressure, pain, swelling, discoloration, etc. somewhere in or on your body and begin to worry excessively that it is an indication of some serious disease (i.e., tumor, cancer, loss of mind, etc.). You repeatedly focus on the sensation serves as a reminder, and the anxiety consumes you throughout the day. You have seen many doctors and they all have clearly indicated there is nothing to indicate a life-threatening issue. Yet, any sensation triggers worry and high anxiety. You can finally relax. With CBT, you can stop being haunted by this anxiety, and free yourself from your misery.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): This is when you experience sudden, strange, uncontrollable, intrusive thoughts or urges at random called Obsessions. These Obsessions come out of nowhere and they frighten you causing extreme anxiety and uncertainty. As a result, you desperately and repeatedly behave in compulsive ways, called Compulsions, to try to make the anxiety-producing Obsessions stop and go away. The more you try to eliminate the uncertainty of what might happen if you don’t stop these obsessioned thoughts, the stronger the uncomfortable and frightening, intrusive thoughts and urges become. Consequently, these compulsive behaviors can become so time-consuming and difficult to stop, that they can interfere with everything you try to do in life, and can even result in harm to yourself and others.Some Obsession Examples: a) Intrusive thoughts that you or another will become contaminated; diseased; lose intelligence, life, job, personality; change gender; become someone else; forget everything, never wake up, etc., and b) Intrusive Urges to do (or not do) something that could result in negative consequences such as consuming all your time, or cause harm to yourself or another such as driving too fast or too slow, driving with your eyes closed, seeing how close you can come to a hot iron with your finger without getting burned, etc. Some Compulsion Examples: Repeatedly washing your hands; touching or tapping something a certain number at times, in a certain way, or with a certain pattern; repeatedly doing something until it feels “just right”; pausing before entering a room; repeatedly re-reading a passage in a book: avoiding getting close to something or someone; repeatedly asking for reassurance; repeatedly checking something, giving into an urge, etc., all in an attempt to stop the uncertainty and anxiety caused by the obsession. Good news. You can stop your life from spiraling out of control by stopping the painful anxiety with a specific CBT procedure called: Exposure and Response Prevention.

Separation Anxiety: Mostly, children, but also some adults, experience this terrorizing feeling of anxiety whenever they separate from their parents or loved ones. Leaving your child at school, a play-date; even going into another room without your child, can trigger this, and prove extremely frustrating, difficult and time-consuming. Being separated from family by going away to college, or moving away because of circumstances, can trigger these feelings of anxiety as well. Your child, or you, can learn with CBT to be brave and resilient, and the high anxiety will no longer occur whenever you separate from loved ones.

Anxiety-Induced Physical Problems: Anxiety can compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to disease and making it difficult for you to get better and sooner. It can also exacerbate chronic diseases. It can induce physical symptoms like those seen with Irritable Bowel Syndrome causing disruption in the functioning of your colon (e.g., loose stools, unpredictable bowel movements and constipation). CBT, using: Acceptance-training, Imagery, Relaxation techniques, Cognitive Restructuring and other stress and anxiety reduction techniques can restore normalcy to your life. By learning to cope more effectively with them, by reducing the occurrence and intensity of many physical symptoms; as well as helping you.


Do you feel sad, empty, tearful or lonely at times? Has your anger increased considerably? Do you get irritable (especially adolescents and children) more than usual? Maybe you no longer experience pleasure, or have lost interest in many things you used to find enjoyable or were passionate about. Has your appetite changed significantly? Have you been feeling tired and fatigued much of the time? Maybe you’re sleeping all the time or, experiencing insomnia. Have you noticed that your ability to think, concentrate or make decisions has been compromised? Are you feeling helpless or hopeless at times? You may be questioning whether or not the reasons to carry on make any sense. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms already mentioned, it may indicate that you are depressed. It may be mild depression, or maybe more severe depression. Either way, CBT can help you find out exactly what is going on, find solutions to the problems, and help you with techniques like: Cognitive Restructuring, Behavioral Activation, Self-esteem Training, Life-style Change, and many others, to help you be happy and enjoy life again. Since thoughts create feelings, a significant part of feeling depressed comes from self-deprecating, unhelpful thoughts that can become, over time, irrational beliefs. These beliefs can keep you stuck in your depression. Developing a new internal dialogue can make all the difference.

Couples and Marital Problems

At The Center for Behavior Therapy, we have developed a unique and powerful technique called the Infinity Loop. It unravels the mystery of why people argue, become bitter, lose interest, stray from the relationship. Unlike with other marital or couples-counseling sessions, the experience of feeling worse when you leave the session than when you arrived, is practically nonexistent. CBT strategies will teach you how to communicate, understand and have empathy for your partner’s issues, not take things personally, learn how to show love and how to let your partner love you, not feel vulnerable, learn how support each other, and get out of the relationship what each of you deserves. These sessions, along with homework assignments that are interesting and fun, will help you fall in love again, and enjoy life together.

Family Therapy

Parents and children (at any age), can experience difficulties between and amongst the members in the family. CBT for families, and learning numerous parenting skills that foster understanding, support, bonding, sensitivity and honesty, can create the strong harmonious and enjoyable family environment that we all seek. This is successfully achieved with techniques like: validating feelings, forced choices, communication training, self-esteem building, cognitive restructuring, re-labeling, and resiliency building, just to name a few.

Bad Habits, Trichotillomania, Tics, Tourette’s Disorder

Cigarette smoking, alcohol/substance abuse, fingernail biting, skin picking, facial movements, eye-blinking, hair pulling, throat clearing, and many other repetitive body movements or bad habits can all be successfully treated with numerous CBT techniques such as: habit reversal training, response competition, adaptive response substitution, self-esteem training, and more.

Learning Difficulties: ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc

All too often, learning difficulties, of any kind, can make learning quite challenging and time-consuming, increase negative self-perception, create a false sense of inferiority, and generally make one’s life difficult. CBT can help you change all these for the better. Using techniques like: Acceptance Training, Cognitive Restructuring, Learning Strategies, Assertiveness Training, Self-esteem Training, etc., your quality of life can increase significantly.

Anger Management

There are numerous situations when your anger may erupt; those where you feel taken advantage of, disrespected, ignored, demeaned, diminished, slighted, vulnerable, weak and exposed, etc. CBT, using techniques like: Assertiveness Training, Cognitive Restructuring, Role Playing, Relaxation Exercises, Self-esteem Training, Inoculation Training, etc., can teach you resiliency and not to take anything personally, including being cut off on the highway!

Headaches, Incontinence, Muscle Tension, Hypertension, Infertility, Insomnia

All these can make your life difficult, painful and problematic. CBT, using techniques like EMG and Finger-Temperature Biofeedback, Cognitive Restructuring, Targeted Muscle Relaxation and others, can change things dramatically. CBT capitalizes on the Mind-Body connection to help reduce these and other similar difficulties.

Sexual Problems

Do you suffer from early ejaculation, difficulty achieving orgasm, decreased sexual pleasure or desire, erection difficulties, poor sexual technique, performance anxiety, painful or difficult intercourse, or other sexual issues? CBT, using techniques like: Pelvic floor muscle-strengthening, Guilt-reduction, Relationship Enhancement, Sensation-Focus, Self-esteem Training, Relaxation Training, Permission to Enjoy, etc., will allow you to stop your anxiety, discomfort, shyness, avoidance, and lack of pleasure; and enjoy sex the way you should.

Loss and Grief

Whenever a loved one passes away, it can feel devastating and even become debilitating. Feeling sad is natural and necessary. And sometimes, the grief period lasts longer for some than for others. Using CBT, Supportive Psychotherapy, and processing the 7 Phases of Grief, will enable you to start looking forward to the future. Slowly, you will start to enjoy thinking about your loved one will no longer trigger severe pain, sadness and helplessness. And, while you will never forget your loved one and your life will ever be the same, you will find joy and happiness again.

Self-Esteem Training

As we were growing up in our early years, we subconsciously and erroneously learned to believe destructive thoughts about our inner Core selves. We unintentionally and mistakenly developed a poor self-perception (PSP). Afterwards, throughout our lives, this deeply painful self-loathing negatively distorts the clarity of the lens through which we interpret the events in the world; driving us to make misperceptions and poor choices, shaping the direction of our lives for the worse.

If you currently struggle with hateful thoughts about your self and/or others, you can choose to live in happiness, confidence, peace, strength, growth and success by learning to change your PSP into GSP (Good Self-Perception). The Center for Behavior Therapy can help you with this by learning a wealth of techniques to separate your valuable and important Core Self from your behavior, no matter how well or poorly you do it, and from any other of your characteristics, good or bad. You can also learn to never define your self again by how other think of, feel about, and behave toward you.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching helps people who find themselves feeling stuck or dissatisfied in their lives and who want to improve the quality and direction of their lives. Coaching focuses on setting and achieving sustainable and rewarding goals and on navigating major life transitions. By embarking on a journey of personal growth, setting goals, learning and practicing ways to achieve those goals, identifying and overcoming obstacles, and finding the motivation to pursue a life of meaning and fulfillment, you can move forward and live your life in a better and more satisfying way.

Our Services Include:

  • Insight Therapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Supportive Psychotherapy
  • Mindfulness/Acceptance Psychotherapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Corporate Counseling